Black and white picture of lauren warren
a phrase that changes every second to describe the different types of designer lauren is.
with an emphasis in visual design, and seeking a full-time UXUI career.

Circus is a mobile app that acts as a family’s personal “ring leader” to relieve parents’ stress of traveling with kids by offering pre-made packing lists, easy-to-find and schedule activities, guided meditation for kids, and more so they can focus on the family.

to the case study, Jenkins
open hand

Open Hand Atlanta (OHA) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to eliminate disability and untimely death due to nutrition-sensitive chronic disease. This rebrand serves to make help more accessible to those who are food-insecure or to their caretakers.

show me how it's done
home screen of the circus app
what the fucculent

What the Fucculent is an app that takes the effort and confusion out of house plant research with auto-created care schedules, alerts, plant suggestions, and tool delivery, all with a healthy dose of snarky humor to motivate users.

it clicks the button to see the case study
Home page of redesigned open hand websitehome screen of the what the fucculent app

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or go ahead and download my resume,
I won't mind one bit.
